Embracing Our Purpose

I've been shooting professionally for ten years and am a member of Professional Photographers of America, as well as the Thriving Photographers Society.

I had my own Boudoir shoot in 2020 because I needed to feel amazing again after the challenges of every day life left me feeling like I was not a priority in my own life. It was so transformative for me.

What made you want to do this for yourself? Whatever the reason, I'm excited you're taking this step in life to claim your beauty and power back. Boudoir is about celebrating your body as you are right now. Boudoir is an act of rebellious self-love. Why is Boudoir rebellious? We exist in a world that inundates us with messages that we aren't beautiful or worthy of love and sensuality unless we attain an impossible beauty standard. I reject that notion and invite you to as well.  

Boudoir photography is such a transformative and personal experience.

My team and I will cheer you on the entire way and we'll have fun on this journey towards radical self love. 

-xoxo, Shannon

Woman seated on a pink ottoman in a cozy room with a neutral-toned sofa and pillows, wearing a sheer robe with black trim and a black bra.

Unleash Your Confidence